

In Tula discussed trade and economic relations with the Republic of Belarus

It hosted a meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia on information policy


320 veterans to improve their health at Belarusian health resorts using Union State budget funds

It is planned that in 2013 more than 320 disabled war veterans and war veterans of the Great Patriotic War will improve their health at Belarusian health resorts. Parechie, Zhuravushka and Sosnovy Bor health resorts are to welcome 100 veterans.


Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly Committee: Forum of Regions should give impetus to economic cooperation

In October 2013 the Upper Chamber of the Russian parliament, the Council of the Federation, and the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus are holding the first forum of regions in Mogilev, said Chairman of the Union State Parliamentary Assembly Committee on Foreign Policy Vladimir Senko in an interview with soyuz.by.


Union State budget is a budget of development

n 2013 Russia and Belarus are to implement joint projects in the field of high technology, telecommunications, aerospace and other areas ca 2 billion rubles worth, said Russian President Vladimir Putin at the meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State.


Union State SSC Session to Be Held in St. Petersburg on March 15th

The Supreme State Council of the Union State is scheduled to meet on March 15th in St. Petersburg, informed the press service of the Belarusian leader following the regular meeting of the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and Prime Minister Mikhail Myasnikovich.


G.Rapota: Preservation of cultural heritage is a priority for the Union State

On February 12th State Secretary of the Union State G.Rapota met with the lineup of the Belarusian State Ensemble “Pesniyary”. In the studio of “Pesnyary” G.Rapota had a conversation with the musicians and looked round the facilities for ensemble’s rehearsals.


Belarusian-Russian Transnational Corporations to Be Established within Union State

Belarusian government has offered Russia to implement a project aimed at establishing five joint transnational corporations (TNCs) within the Union State framework, said Prime Minister of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich at the meeting with Union State Secretary Grigory Rapota.


On 18th Theoretical and Practical Conference “Integrated Data Protection”

On January 23rd, 2013 Minsk Office of the Union State Standing Committee hosted a meeting of the Organizing Committee of the 18th theoretical and practical conference “Integrated Data Protection”.


In 2012 the Union State became full of practicable projects

This opinion was expressed by editor-in-chief of the magazine “Belaruskaya Dumka”, Cand. Sc. (History) and political scientist Vadim Gigin when www.soyuz.by noted that Grigory Rapota has held the position of the State Secretary of the Union State for a year now.


M.Myasnikovich Suggested D.Medvedev Holding Union State Council of Ministers in Minsk

During the meeting with Head of the Russian Government Dmitry Medvedev that took place in St. Petersburg on June 15th the Prime Minister of Belarus proposed to hold the next meeting of the Union State Heads of Governments in Minsk. “I would like to invite you to visit Belarus in the near future and, if possible, to hold a meeting of the Union Government. If it happens in July, it will be really nice,” he said.


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